La compilation Doommantia Vol. 1 a été assemblé pour réunir des fonds pour aider Ed Barnard, fondateur de, le site de référence pour le panorama doom / stoner international. Barnard a récemment subi une attaque cardiaque et, en raison de frais médicaux élevés, actuellement Ed est rentré en Australie (sa terre natale) où il est soigné. La compilation Doommantia Vol. 2 s'inscrit dans la continuité de la première est a pour but de réunir des fonds pour aider Ed et aussi l'activité du site Doommantia.
Got yours yet?Support great music and a great cause, download this beast today. Volume 2 has done nothing sale-wise compared with Volume 1 so if anyone can help promote this monster compilation, it would be very appreciated.
Update: Thanks to everyone who downloaded this monster of all doom metal compilations. The first few days of sales were great but it has recently died off so Please buy and download or at least send a donation. This is a compilation you should own anyway so do it.....
It is here, 82 bands and all for just $10. As you can see, the selection of bands is truly amazing as it is one of the most EPIC doom metal compilations ever put together. Thanks to everyone involved, especially with all the uploading that a monster compilation like this demands. (source :
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