18 janv. 2016

[news] Upcomming winter 2016 release from Possession Productions

Winter bring us new releases!

Amazing, beautiful and proud Pagan Metal - 6th album of the Ukrainian band KHORS.

Vinyl version of this album released by Candlelight records license through 5 labels - POSSESSION and SVARGA MUSIC. BLOODRED DISTRIBUTION, FIMBULVINTER PRODUCTIONS, GARDARIKA MUSIKK.

Black Gatefold LP limited to 500 copies.

Only 60 copies remained at our hands. Make your orders now at:

The next news is not so good but important, too.

The factory pressed defective printing of AKEM MAHAH's "Demons of the Sabbat" Digi-CD - everything is repressing right now, and at the NEXT WEEK we will finally receive these necrosounds to our stock!

There is still an opportunity to pre-order the album for the lower price at: https://possessionproductions.bandcamp.com/album/demons-of-the-sabbath

The rest of the news are good!

In January and February, we are planning to release 2 new albums on CD. Those albums will be released by 500 copies each.

First is Serbian KOZELJNIK new album "Death Gives unto Life"

On this album, the Serbs surprised us with their non-trivial approach to the Black Art. Recommended for fans of old MAYHEM and... TRISTITIA!

You can pre-order the album at:

The second one is the new record of the Hungarian Black Metal Cult DUSK.

"Satan's Laws" CD includes new and old unreleased songs plus quite original cover of one of BURZUM songs.  


True Transylvanian hunger! No compromise! The printing is already in progress. Pre-order will starts soon.
Also you can buy all Possession releases at our site:

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