9 janv. 2018

[news] Slomatics and Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard - 'TOTEMS' (split)

Slomatics and Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard  - 'TOTEMS'

Black Bow Records

Black Bow Records is pleased to present Totems, the stunning new collaboration by Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard and Slomatics. The split was produced at Skyhammer Studio by Chris Fielding , mastered by James Plotkin and will be available in transparent red or transparent green. The album will be released in mid-March 2018, a finalized date will be announced shortly.
Slomatics commented "We are really excited to be releasing a record with MWWB. We are all huge fans of their Y Proffwyd Dwyll album, so to collaborate on a release together is something else. This record is the result of months of discussion and sharing ideas which all came together when we shared Skyhammer Studio. Sharing a release with MWWB made us want to up every part of our sound and hopefully we've achieved that with this record.

MWWB further commented "MWWB have been big fans of Slomatics for years.  We have kind of obdurate tastes when it comes to heavy music so we like bands that fly their own flag and in our opinion Slomatics do just that. After chatting to Dave (Majury) it was pretty clear that both bands had a lot in common and when somebody brought up the idea of a collaboration it was a no brainer. We spent a lot of time discussing the content of this record and didn’t want to do just another split record. Although Split records are great for undergrounds bands like us, we just wanted to make it ‘special’. Kind of an early 70s prog ethic to it. We all enjoyed the whole process and I’m not alone in thinking we’d like to do more collaborations in the future with more collaboration between the 2 bands. That’s if we can find the time."

Track Listing:

1. (MWWB) The Master and His Emissary
2: (MWWB) Eagduru

1: (SLO) Ancient Architects
2: (SLO) Silver Ships Into The Future
3: (SLO) Master's Descent

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