DESTRUCTIVE EXPLOSION OF ANAL GARLAND (Czech Republic) - Tour de Anal (2014) [news]

Featuring members of Jig-Ai, Ahumado Granujo, Brutally Deceased and Eardelete (ex-Negligent Collateral Collapse), Destructive Explosion of Anal Garland releases its heaviest and finest one yet. The third album titled 'Tour de Anal' is all about sick robust tunes, hefty, pounding grooves and some of the most volatile, rollicking music in this style. Reminiscent of old Gronibard, Cock and Ball Torture and also Regurgitate, this band is taking the sound forward and leaves nothing to the imagination (kind of). Every song is a new dimension in death/grind brutality. Everything else pales in comparison to the sound of this one - it's balls-out extreme metal, take it or leave it. Play it out and find your family abandoning you.
It's one of the clear highlights of this year since the music is distinctly catchy, aggressive and has its own flavour. Bizarre Leprous Productions is one of the few labels nowadays peddling in this death/grind/gore style of music, so please do make an effort to check it out! :)



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